Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ken Dixon Auto - Cadillac looking for fresh new look

After more than a decade, Cadillac is looking to make some changes to its logo. The new look will most likely debut on a concept car that the luxury auto maker plans on showing next month at Pebble Beach. The decision to freshen the brand comes from generally consistent market research indicating that the current design "is seen as outdated and obsolete." The research seems to have focused on a particular element of the brand design, the wreath or laurels that encapsulate the logo. 

As is the trend right now in the automotive industry, Cadillac seeks to attract young buyers extending and rooting their market influence for years to come. The company believes that moving towards a more cleaner, contemporary look will facilitate in that endeavor. 

It's not uncommon for car companies to adjust their brands to better suit the current trends and styles. Cadillac has done it almost 40 times in the past 100+ years. Last re-engineered in 1999, it would seem that a revision is long overdue. 

Do you think that a change will be good or bad for the auto brand?

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