Wednesday, September 25, 2013

EV Owner Etiquette

If you have yet do drive a fully-electric vehicle, you may not realize that the driving experience is significantly different than your average car. That's precisely why Chevrolet released a list of driving tips for those still making the adjustment. We'll quickly highlight those tips in this blog post.

  • Once your car is finished charging, it is proper etiquette to move your car. This allows the next person to utilize the charging station. If you plug your car in and leave while it is charging, leave a note indicating that it is okay for the next person to unplug your car to charge their own. 
  • Fully electric vehicles receive priority at charging stations.
  • Watch for pedestrians. Electric motors are almost silent which makes it difficult for people to be aware of approaching EV's.
  • The Spark EV has a Pedestrian Friendly Alert Function which can be set to activate at slow speeds. The feature emits a 'Chirp' sound, making the vehicles presence known. 
  • As an EV owner, whether hybrid or fully-electric, it is your responsibility to act as ambassador to others. Spread the word about the benefits of EV ownership, as well as the nuances that come along with it. 
 For more information, visit the Ken Dixon Chevrolet Website.